Monday, January 20, 2025
HomeINTERNATIONALEtats-UnisAppeal to the Haitian Medical Community to promote access to the COVID-19...

Appeal to the Haitian Medical Community to promote access to the COVID-19 Vaccine

Brooklyn, New York-  The Haitian Medical Association Abroad (AMHE), a professional Haitian-American organizationcreated in New York in 1972,has beenadvocating for promotion of Health practices in the Haitian communities at home and abroad.

Therefore, the AMHEencouragesthe Medical professionalsin the USA to reach out to the Haitian communities that their practice servesto promote the availability and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines. Many of our physicians have stepped up to receive their vaccines;we are thankful to the first vaxxers in our ranks. AMHE is deeply concerned and worried that a wave of misinformation may keep vulnerable members of the community from taking the vaccines. While AMHE cannot vouched that everyone taking the vaccine will have no undesirable side effects, we are confident that the benefitsof taking the vaccine far outweigh the risks.

Consequently, AMHE isappealing to the communities throughout the country and to all its physicisian members to reach out totheir local communities to promote the availability of the vaccines. We reiterate AMHE’s steadfast interest in supporting medical research and science.The CDC remains the most authoritative source to stay up on COVID-19 and vaccine information.

AMHEcontinuously pursues activities aiming at improving life, the health and welfare of all its members and the communities at large.This is in keeping with the original mission and vision of the Association’s founding fathers.

AMHE HeadquatersBrooklyn, New York (718) 245-1015

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