De nombreux petits-goaviens venus de tous les coins des Etats-Unis ont fait le déplacement à Brockton ce samedi 27 Mai pour conduire dans sa dernière demeure Yves-Mario Bonny décédé le 22 Mai entouré de ses proches en sa résidence des suites de complications d’un cancer de la prostate. Ses funérailles ont été chantées en l’Eglise catholique Notre-Dame de Lourdes de Brockton. Pendant 7 ans environ, Mario aura courageusement tout essayé pour tenter de guérir ce cancer : interventions chirurgicales, radiothérapie, chimiothérapie, thérapie biologique en utilisant des substances naturelles, comme le dira avec éloquence sa belle-soeur Aisha Barlatier-Bonny dans son éloge funèbre prononcé en l’Eglise Nore-Dame de Lourdes de Brockton.
Good morning family and friends.
I stand before you with the heavy yet honorable task of speaking to you today about Mario. As you all know he was a loving father, brother, uncle, cousin, friend, and neighbor. What you may not have known is that when all chips are down He was the one you’d want in your corner. Mario had the purest heart, genuine attitude, and most of all unconditional love. Mario was a fighter and a champion!
Mario was a God fearing, loyal, kind, generous, funny, motivated, and a determined individual. He lived an unselfish life (e.g. took me to all my doctor’s appointments, picked my son up from school, and ironed his sister Poupette’s clothes for work) in which he would often put others before himself– Some may say that is why we are gathered here today. Mario made bold choices, sometimes unpopular choices, and no matter the outcome never looked backed…he believed in forging ahead.
When Mario was diagnosed with cancer 7 years ago, he was told he had an aggressive type. For some, news like that would have placed them in a corner and feeling sorry for themselves. For Mario, he continued to work, went on with his life, and in between suffered through all types of treatments (radiation, IV chemo, Oral Chemo, surgeries, holistic meds, new diet, etc.). For seven years, he did it all and on Friday May 19th he told me he could no longer do it. I said to Mario what are you talking about…you are our strength…he said baby (as he often called me) I can’t… From that day on he began a steady decline but had saved enough strength for one more kiss to his dear sister Poupette. So, today, I ask you (family and friends) gathered here let’s not be over struck by our own grief and lose sight of the fact that our brother, uncle, and friend is no longer suffering. He believed in Jesus Christ, accepted Christ, and is now with his Lord. In Mario’s final months and days, it took a village of siblings and family to care for him. We sat with him, watched basketball with him, read to him, sang to him, and most of all– loved him. So his dying is cause for us to sing praises of Alleluia and Amen…his suffering is no more!!!!
He lived a great and fulfilled life. His regrets are not seeing his son one more time and not getting to visit Jamaica. In Mario’s final days, he and I had many conversations and from those conversations his message to all of you is to live life to the fullest, be your true you at all times, and never ever give up!
Thank you!!!
Aisha Barlatier-Bonny
Brockton, May 27, 2017
Nous présentons nos sincères Condoléances à son fils, Dahan Mayard Bonny; ses frères et sœurs: Joseph Bonny et son épouse Carlie, Marlène Nelson et son mari Roland, Yanick René et son mari Joseph René, Claire Tessier et son mari Edner Tessier, Willy Bonny, Emmanuel Bonny et son épouse Aisha, Elma Desmangues et son mari Antoine, Frantz Bonny et sa femme Sonia, Réginald Bissereth et son épouse Loyda, Dherly LaRaque et son mari Carly, Carline Lambert, Gardy Fils Saint-Fleur, Will Khali Saint-Fleur et Thercy Bonhomme; aux familles Nelson, Tessier, Jean-Joseph, Barlatier, Desmangles, René, Saint-Fleur, Laraque …