Saturday, April 20, 2024
Home HAITI Santé The state of Health Disparities in the United States by NIH (National...

The state of Health Disparities in the United States by NIH (National Institute of Health)

Race and ethnicity are socially constructed categories that have tangible effects on the lives of individuals who are defined by how one perceives one’s self and how one is perceived by others. It is important to acknowledge the social construction (i.e., created from prevailing social perceptions, historical policies, and practices) of the concepts of race and ethnicity because it has implications for how measures of race have been used and changed over time.

Furthermore, the concept of race is complex, with a rich history of scientific and philosophical debate as to the nature of race. Racial and ethnic disparities are arguably the most obstinate inequities in health over time, despite the many strides that have been made to improve health in the United States. Moreover, race and ethnicity are extremely salient factors when examining health inequity. Therefore, solutions for health equity need to take into account the social, political, and historical context of race and ethnicity in this country.
(NIH: National Institute of Health)

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