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HomeHAITIPolitiqueDes parlementaires américains se prononcent sur la crise haïtienne et prônent une...

Des parlementaires américains se prononcent sur la crise haïtienne et prônent une transition

Port-au-Prince – Par YPM – Dans une déclaration conjointe publiée ce mardi 22 décembre 2020, des membres du Congrès américain dont Andy Levin (Démocrate-Michigan)  et Gregory Meeks (Démocrate-New-York)  plaident en faveur d’un retour à la démocratie en Haïti à travers un pouvoir de transition.
Selon ces parlementaires les récents décrets pris par le Président Jovenel Moïse sont une entrave à la démocratie et promettent par conséquent de travailler avec la nouvelle administration américaine dirigée par Joe Biden pour redresser la barre en Haiti tout en priorisant les intérêts du peuple haïtien.

Dans cette déclaration conjointe, Andy Levin et Gregory Meeks, estiment qu’ils ne peuvent rester insensibles au chaos qui règne en Haïti et promettent de s’assurer que les dirigeants haïtiens ayant perpétré des actes de corruption et de violation des droits humains soient poursuivis en justice pour les faits qui leur sont reprochés.



Levin, Meeks, Sires Statement on Recent Developments in Haiti

December 22, 2020
Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today Congressman Andy Levin (MI-09), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, along with Congressman Gregory Meeks (NY-05), incoming Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and Albio Sires (NJ-08), Chair of the Western Hemisphere, Civilian Security and Trade Subcommittee, released the following statement on recent developments in Haiti.

“As members of the House of Representatives, we have spent recent weeks working urgently to rush relief to the American people amidst the COVID-19 public health and economic disasters. We want our friends in Haiti to know, however, that we are still watching what is unfolding there with growing concern. Haitian President Jovenel Moïse is pursuing an increasingly authoritarian course of action, issuing a series of recent decrees that include creating an extra-constitutional domestic “intelligence” force. His latest actions are reminiscent of past anti-democratic abuses the Haitian people have endured, including the run-up to the Duvalier dictatorship. We will not stand idly by while Haiti devolves into chaos.

“When the 117th Congress convenes, supporting democratic actors in Haiti will be a top concern for this committee. We will work urgently with the incoming Biden administration to develop a U.S. policy that prioritizes the rights and aspirations of the Haitian people and supports a credible, Haitian-led transition back to democratic order. We will engage international allies and institutions to coordinate a multilateral strategy to address the ongoing crisis in Haiti and pursue accountability for Haitian officials who commit human rights violations and acts of corruption. As members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, we consider it our responsibility to monitor the events in Haiti and work in close collaboration with Haitian civil society organizations and citizens of goodwill that seek peace and democracy in their country. We assure the Haitian people that, as we tackle the crises we face in our own country, we will not forget our neighbors or our commitment to protecting their human rights.”

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